The aim of this website is to evolutionize the Self-harmonization process. That is, we provide you with powerful (applied multidimensional development) tools for embodying your whole unique Self.

Integral base-reality model.

To master the Self is Art and what this Academy aims to support. Our teachings are based on direct experience and our universally integral base-reality model. This fundamental work simultaneously unites and simplifies other grand works and couldn’t have been possible without our own unique and very challenging experience with psychosis and depression. These hellish and peculiar states required us to see the ultimate Truth and gave way to building a CLEAR, GROUNDED, yet highly UNIFIED and fundamentally OPEN base model of Reality. This foundation is called SELF-PORTAL-CHAIN and is publicly available on the website.

8D Food Approach PhD thesis, research, and group.

We are dedicating our lives to studying food in theory and practice, and are creating a novel PhD thesis on top of our research. It is something never before described – a multidimensional self-educational lens that reveals FOOD AS THE GURU. While the research is ongoing we have 120 pages of unique material defining a deeply intertwined evolutionary journey of the self, food, gardening, and society through 8 dimensional frequencies. We call it the 8D Food Approach. Buy in for access to the research results, material, and group.

8D Money & Self

8D Money & SELF is a video course and supporting group for applied multidimensional development and the relation between Money and Self. It is for self-empowerment, healing, freedom, and planetary unity.